Inland Empire Utilities Agency

The Inland Empire Utilities Agency (IEUA) secures and supplies supplemental water; collects and treats wastewater; produces high quality renewable products such as recycled water, compost and energy; and promotes the sustainable use of groundwater and development of local water supplies. IEUA serves approximately 875,000 residents in a 242-square mile service area in western San Bernardino County, California. As a regional wastewater treatment agency, IEUA provides sewage utility services to seven contracting agencies and provides wholesale imported water to seven retail agencies. IEUA owns and operates four facilities specializing in regional water recycling services. The facilities take in approximately 50 million gallons of wastewater per day for treatment, producing high-quality recycled water. IEUA also manages the recharge of recycled, storm and imported water through the Chino Basin Groundwater Recharge Program and coordinates regional water-use efficiency and education programs. IEUA is committed to meeting the needs of the region by providing essential services in a regionally planned and cost-effective manner while safeguarding public health, promoting economic development and protecting the environment.