AHL Healthcare Group Inc.

AHL Healthcare Group employs nearly 450 caring and well-trained staff and serves close to 200 adults with disabilities throughout Minnesota. We offer a fun and relaxed home atmosphere where you can engage with our residents and with our communities.

We believe that everyone should have a happy, real place they can call “Home.” We strive to foster that feeling through the services we provide in the client’s home or in one of our homes. In fact, we want our homes to look and feel like we’d want our own homes to be.

Our clients and residents should feel independent. But they should also feel safe, secure and comfortable. Our dedicated employees understand the challenges our clients and residents face when they go into the real-world. Our staff helps empower clients by teaching and mentoring real-life skills.

And, not only do we assist with daily living challenges, we are here to offer support, encouragement and laughter. We get to know our clients and residents for the long-term. We want to be here for them through their long-term care needs.